Wednesday, June 28, 2006

NY Times Commits Treason

If you are to believe what Bunning, R-Kentuky, says, then the title of this story is true. If you are, what seems like the minority, then you think the Govenment is full of shit (regarding this issue anyway).

Here is what I think. Various 'acts' have been passed and have used 'Terrorism' as leverage. It's used to the point where if you don't vote for said act, you will be deemed unpatriotic. You are voting against the United States of America. You are voting against our freedom. I can see a nice smear campaign against the person when they run for Congress again. Because of 'Terrorism' we now have such acts as the PATRIOT Act being enforced to an extreme. We've got the Government thinking they have the right to know everything about it's citizens. The right to persecute on a mere thought. Jokes are illegal.

Hey Bush. I'm thinking about burning the Flag right now. Come get me.

I'm on the side that think the New York Times did the right thing. Because if they didn't tell us how overreaching our own government is, we'd think that we were actually free.


Blogger Dr. Duke Nukem, Ph.D. said...

Here's one for ya: I caught Michael Scheuer (the anonymous author of Imperial Hubris) on none other than Bill O'Reilly's show a few nights ago dishing the NYT for its' disgraceful actions regarding the reporting on top-secret, executive-mandated spying programs.

OK, now I'm confused.

6/29/2006 01:36:00 PM  
Blogger A^2 said...

Haha, the irony! Perhaps it's not irony. Perhaps it's hypocricy.

What did both do? Report the truth? Both had access to inside information. Both are able to get to information that might be available, but not easy to obtain.

Both said it as it is. But for one to critique the other?

I suppose there is some unwritten law - and I know the Times has exercised caution before - about publishing something that is indeed secret and occuring currently (such as this program), however given the current time and situations where the government has run around doing whatever it may, there should be no such caution.

The three branches of the US government exist for checks and balances. Political parties are supposed to exist for the same reasons, but where you are in a two-party system, and the various branches not being able to have full access to the same information - there can't be proper checks and balances. It is left to the humble reporters and editors of various sources such as the Times to enforce the checks and balances by revealing such encroachment of our private lives.

No, you can't try the Times for Treason if you aren't able to Imeach the President, or perhaps if you are not able to participate in the Hague Trials. No. There is no treason here.

6/29/2006 01:57:00 PM  

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