Friday, June 30, 2006


Can I tell you how FUCKING MAD this makes me?

First of all, the bill was introduced by a democrat (mental note: add this to list of reasons I no longer affiliate with the democratic party). Secondly, everyone acts as if all of a sudden this shit started happening, when in reality it's been going on for a long ass time -- the mainstream is only paying attention to it since MySpaz and FaceShot are now well-known. Where the fuck were they before? Most importantly, they continue perpetuate the MYTH that if you legislate something, it will go away. Forget trying to educate kids on what they should and shouldn't do online, and perhaps taking an active interest in their lives -- let's force the companies to further erode our precious privacies and keep our data longer (perhaps forever?) and allow the Almighty Government to regulate it. Fuck! This makes me so mad.

Why can't people just get a fucking clue? For once, open your eyes and ears and shut your mouths. Pay attention to what's going on around you and maybe you'd learn something for a change.

There is unrest in the forest/
There is trouble with the trees/
For the Maples want more sunlight/
And the Oaks ignore their pleas


Blogger A^2 said...

There is no law that can prevent the stupdity and ignorance of an individual. You can't stop it. If you could, I would vote for that law.

That is precisely what the issue is about. People unable to take care of themselves. Unable to look at both sides of the stree when crossing the crosswalk. Unable to practice common sense. Dark ally in Harlem or brightly lit up street with traffic? Which shall I walk through? Dark ally of course!

Congress is going to continue to show their ignorance and stupidity in that they are trying to create laws that will prevent ignorant people from hurting themselves. Though nothing they do will prevent that.

7/03/2006 07:34:00 AM  

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