Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Gettysburg Address for Dummies

We've all heard the argument -- powerpoint makes us stupid. Here's convincing proof (and it's funny too!) Seriously, this is brilliant. Check it out.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Thank You, Stanislav

It's somewhat chilling to think that here I am, 25 years and change after my birth, and it all could have ended before I really knew what this place is all about.

Unfortunately, I have no doubt that this incident was not the last; nor do I have faith that the chances of something similar happening are any lower. Maybe that's just the years and years of conditioning the public to a state of constant fear coming to fruition; maybe it's just my rampant paranoia or unyielding pessimism. Who knows.

Not for nothin, but Santayana was right

Saturday, September 24, 2005


So due to the amount of comment spam, I had to turn on comment verification. I hate it too, but I also hate the shit about UK mortgage and viagra. Also, I went through and deleted all the spam comments and only spam comments -- no censorship here.

Thanks for your understanding. --Ed.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The New Fascism

Found this link while browsing through Slice of Life, an old co-workers blog (which I've included a pointer to under the links section -- check it out, he's pretty intense). The article is an attempt to define the new fascism permeating our society, driven not solely by nationalistic fervor and corporate repression, but also by the traditional Christian rhetoric that forms the basis for much of the underlying infrastructure of our country. It's a good article, despite the overwhelming need for a thorough proofread. Good food for thought.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mmm...Potted Meat Product

This link was passed on to me a while back, but I forgot to post. This is pure genius. I wonder why someone didn't do this earlier. Homer would be very proud...

Friday, September 09, 2005

Shut the F**K Up

Or, more accurately, why the fuck do some people ever open their fucking mouths in the first place? I mean, they're soooo smart -- let's all bow down and kiss their feet!

Speaking of which, I realized that I forgot to document one of the more ridiculous items over the hiatus. As I intend this site to become a living testament to the utter stupidity that inhabits the space around us, here's a link to Pat Robertson's 14th minute of fame.

The worst part is that it's not the first time this has happened, either. On a related note, I've been kind of ambivalent re: Chavez thus far, but I'm really impressed with how he handled this little fracas: threaten to sue. Think about it: the US is the only spot in the entire universe where this insanely litigious nature exists, but Chavez is playing right along, like he's one of the Good Ol' Boys. A man with a sense of humor in the face of international mischief -- now there's a man after my own heart.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Apparently, the World's not Funny anymore

I mean, what else could justify the lack of activity here recently?

Oh wait, I forgot -- it's still funny, stupid, and absurd. I've just been lazy. Without further adieu -- The List'o'Stupidity!

Whew! That's a lot. Check back soon for more of the gooey hilarity that we here at The Fourth Circle are becoming known for (hopefully).