Friday, July 29, 2005

Foreign Looking? Watchout!

Well, this is probably more humerous than actually true. But it does touch upon something quite relavent that most media won't address or touch. It's funny and sad but true. I guess I should watch where I am walking.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

We Have Liftoff!

Well, we're all either very closely associated with NASA (work for them, I think 3/4 of the posters do) or have an almost fanatic enthusiasm for space (me). Anyway, from February 1st, 2003 till today, I've been waiting for this. And finally Discovery has taken off into space, today, July 26th at 10:39 AM EST. Google News has links to various news sources. While the current Space Shuttles might not be the most cost efficient project in the world, but it is very exciting that this has happened. I don't know how much longer NASA will continue to send reusable space shuttles into space, but I think this was a big hurdle to get over.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Yanks In First!

It may not seem like much to you, but it always surprises the hell out of me when these guys pull it back together. So they're half a game ahead of the sox and Baltimore, but I'm sure that in two weeks they'll be like 15 games ahead. Let the slaughter begin.

Having said that, they'll probably just bite it in the series again (Pardon my New York Cycnicism).

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Natural Selection in Action

OK. I don't know about all of you out there, but what's going on with adolescents these days? First, they're smoking The Dope, drinking The Hooch, and doing The Nasty at an alarming rate, and now this shit. Not to mention that I have issues with the following assertion:

Younger kids don't know that they can die from this, that it's a very dangerous activity,

WTF? What the F? WHAT THE FUCK! Give me a goddamn break. I'm really sorry, but I think at 10 I knew that if I fucking hung myself, I'd have a damn good chance of fucking dying. Maybe I was an anomaly though, an outlier. But I tend to think not.

Is it wrong that I try to find the good in stories like this? I mean, it's quite likely that if this kid had reached maturity he would have ended up like this guy, or even worse, like this guy, or worse yet, this guy! Oh the horror! Stop me already!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


You know, it's not so much the findings that are surprising here, rather the emphasis that the media put on all this stuff. Every time there's a new study, the stories that detail them stop just short of saying "Do this NOW or You Will Die".

So I guess for folks with a few grains of common sense and a healthy skepticism there's no real new discoveries here. For the rest of y'all out there, methinks you might do well to apply a smoothing filter to most these studies before applying them as input to your control loop which hopefully employs some sort of negative feedback mechanism.

That is all.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Yea, There's no Steroid Problem in Baseball

Dude, I'm in the wrong business. I mean, I can't tell you how many people I've wanted to beat, assault, rape, or kill, but I just didn't want to have to be held responsible for it. Now I know that all I had to do was become a professional athlete!

This gets my What The Fuck? award of the week. Go Kenny Rodgers! You are a hero to all of us misaligned sociopaths.

Exorcism + Crucifixion = MORE Fun!

NYT picks up a more detailed account of this. Turns out the "priest" was only 29, and how did he come to be a priest you may ask?

"Ten years ago, Father Corogeanu was a local soccer player in Vaslui, a nearby town. By his own admission, he never studied much, and, after failing to get into a university in Bucharest to study sports or law, he enrolled in religious studies at the theology department at the university in Iasi in the country's impoverished northeast."


If the blind lead the blind, they shall both fall into the pit

Friday, July 01, 2005

Shit Ends Up at the Bottom

You'll remember Randy "La Douche" Cunt-ingham as the waste of human cellular material who, when promoting the flag burning bill he sponsored, said:

"Ask the men and women who stood on top of the Trade Center, ask them and they will tell you: pass this amendment."

Apart from the sheer disgust that the previous statement fills me with, I can think of only one response:

"The man with the plan is just a fuckin' head! Well I say fuck the head!!"

Indeed, Critical Bill. Indeed.

6 Million Ways to Die

God, Please don't let me go out like this.

Although, off the top of my head I could probably think of at least a handful of ways to die that would be worse. To keep you in suspense, I'll withhold them now and post as comment later.

Taking a Page from the Bad Guys' Book

You know, I've always been wondering where the chickenhawks get their act from. And I finally figured it out: these crazy islamic theocracies! Let me give several examples. When Yassir Arafat was ill, there were all these reports that he was in the hospital, etc, and his spokespeople would come out and say "This is simply not true. He is alive and well, and in fact went for a horsey ride this morning". And then a day later he's dead. So now, this dude in Iran (I can't say or spell his name so I won't try), in response to accusations that he was one of the infamous 1979 captors, says:

"It is not true," Mr. Ahmadinejad said. "It is only rumors."

Oh, ok. I see. You say it so it is so. Very good! Bravo! Encore!

Now I'm not implying that he was responsible, but his rebuttal seems to be lacking something...what is it? I can't quite put my finger on it...Oh! I got it!


And of course who could forget this guy? I still consider him a personal hero when it comes to bloated rhetoric and empty denial. My goal in life is to be that good.

But my question to all of our loyal readers/posters/ranters: Since when have substance and hard facts become optional? And are threats of death and dismemberment the only way to reverse the trend?

Abortion Here I Come!

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Good news, of course. Well, the good new is that there is only 1 piece of bad news. The bad news? Bush gets to appoint a Supreme Court Justice. Why couldn't she just wait 3 more years? Abortion, 10 Commandments, life, libery and the pursuit of god for all....This is going to be a truely interesting time now given that the Democrats are going to attempt to halt every possible nomination that Bush proposes and Bush has already stated his possible choices in the past.