Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another Festivus Miracle!

Well, I will now be sleeping sound knowing that Ted Haggard has been pronounced "Completely Heterosexual". If only he could be pronouncd Completely Fucking Insane and locked away where he cannot harm another human being.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

How Stupid are We?

The title of this post doesn't apply to the morons who actually drank the hand sanitizer. The title refers to the last line of the story:

"They suggested that makers of the hand gels change the labeling."

WTF? So, let me get this straight. Because a few idiots drink hand sanitizer to get drunk (which, btw, thins the gene pool and makes everything a little bit better for the rest of us), we should change the label so that it doesn't say what is actually in the product. Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't mislabeling a product illegal?

Really -- when the fuck does it end? At what point do we stop trying to tailor our society for the bottom rungs of human existence? Pardon me for thinking that we should force them to step up to the plate and not bowing to stupidity. Fuck.

He loves his Thai Noodles/
He loves his Thai Noodles


Who didn't see this one coming? And while I was a bit stunned at M$ proposed fix, given their past behavior, should I not have expected this?

Oh well -- looks like I won't be upgrading to Vista anytime soon. Oh wait -- I don't run Windows anyways. Phew!