Friday, February 24, 2006

One Slick Cat

Boy, I wish I had just half of this dude's game. I mean, this guy has more game in his pinky than Denzel, Barry White, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon combined.

Fixin' to do an R Kelly...I gotta remember that line.

Friday, February 17, 2006

What's Wrong with This Video?

Where to begin. This is possibly one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. The video is linked above, and here's the story

I mean, I'm no lawyer or judge, but it certainly seems to me that this qualifies as criminally negligent homicide or something like that.

Wanna See Scott Stapp Getting His Nipple Sucked?

Me too -- I'm there.


Oh please, oh please, oh please god make her SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!!! Please someone make the pain stop...find a happy place...

She just doesn't know when to quit does she? Remember this nugget of wisdom (and, might I add, a stellar display of intellectual prowess)?

Editor's Note: I just noticed that the interview that clip came from (the same one that was used in F9/11) was conducted by none other than the Supreme Ruler for Life of "Bow Ties for Truth", Tucker Carlson.

Who Writes This Shit?

I just heard the stupidest fucking movie plug on the radio a short while ago.

"It's a thriller that seeps into you central nervous system".

Hmmm, I gotta tell you...that really doesn't make me want to see that movie. Sounds like a goddamned disease. When I go to the movies, I want to be entertained, not infected. Yeeuch.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

For Your Consideration: Sleazeballs

OK, I can totally see myself killing much time on these sites for the pure enjoyment value. To me, my entertainment dollars are best spent pouring over the stupidity and misfortune of others for my own comic gain. Yea, I gotta check these out.

An Open Letter to Dan Burton

Dear Rep Burton (R-IN),

I heard your comments last week expressing your displeasure with Google and Yahoo supporting the Chinese government's censorship efforts. I'm intrigued then that you, obviously a champion of freedom, would continually vote for the USA PATRIOT Act and against a measure to remove the library components of said Act, both measures which severly limit our freedoms and infringe on our guaranteed civil liberties as American Citizens. Just Wondering.

Yours in Disgust Hypocrisy,

Dr. Duke Nukem, Ph.D.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Get A Clue People!

The benefit of, and therefore the entire point of, the two door system:


Why this concept escapes so many people is beyond me.