Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Few things make me really angry. Sure, small things get me steamed at times, but it passes quick. This, however, is pitiful. It makes me angry, sad, frustrated, confused.

How could we let this happen?

There are so many questions. How could we let this happen in the first place? OK, fine -- it happened. How can we let this situation continue to stifle, simmer, remain painfully unchanged? An ENTIRE CITY has been leveled. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost all they have. And what have we done for them? Not a fucking thing. We gave them two grand and a shitty trailer. Yet the city lays in ruins -- wrecked houses, smashed cars, dead bodies, toxic sludge...the list goes sadly on.

OK, fine -- it happened. What are we going to do now?

I can't wait for a year from now when I look back at this post and try to assess how much has happened since then. Anyone want to make a bet that we'll be at about the same place?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Does Hell Exist?

I tend to think that heaven and hell don't really exist, rather they are just motivations -- tools, if you will -- used by the power hungry clergy to control their sheep-like subjects.

However, in this case, I sure hope that hell does exist, and that it's really nasty, so that this stupid, ignorant, self-aggrandizing bitch gets to spend eternity roasting there.

Your god is dead/
And no one cares/
If there is a hell/
I'll see you there

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I Like This...

I know it's all hocus pocus, but hey -- that's why they call it magic, right?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Worship the Chicken!

For all you Robot Chicken fans out there, all the episodes are posted on YouTube.

If your firewall at work blocks the above YouTube link, they are also posted over at Google Video.

Enjoy, you sick bastards.

Party at Ground Zero/
Every Movie Star and You/
and the world will turn/
to Flowing Pink Vapor Stew


Well, now isn't this interesting?

Again, a small view of my twisted thought process. After reading this article, Duke thinks:

"Hmm...Monsiuer bin Laden has most likely been holed up in some cave for the past few years, which means he probably hasn't seen any episodes of 'Being Bobby Brown'. However, if he had, would it change his opinion of Whitney or her Islamic-ness? And if he had seen the show, would it make him want to kill Bobby Brown more, regardless of his feelings for Whitney?"

These are the thoughts that keep me awake at night.

I'm Rated R/
This is a Warning

Friday, August 18, 2006

Look Out Below!

This is why I fuckin' love the Greeks. We should all take an example and try to be more like them. Screw sympathy! Pity is for suckers&crybabies&the countries that love them. As for us?

I think we all know what the answer to that is.

Mahalo friends.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


It's been awhile since the last post. Sorry 'bout that. To make up for it, check out this video.

One note, however: the title of the video got it wrong -- she's not stoned, she's just THAT FUCKING STUPID. Just proves what I have said all along.