Don't Wear That! It's Illegal!
That's right. Your pants saggin' too low? Go straight to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
There is something fundamentally wrong with this. This country that stands on free expression! This country, whose FIRST Amendment guarantees this. What are they really trying to stop here? I don't think this has anything to do with indecency. It's got everything with suppression of a minority, restricting what someone things breeds 'gangs' or disruptive behaviour.
Yes Führer! Right away sir!
There is something fundamentally wrong with this. This country that stands on free expression! This country, whose FIRST Amendment guarantees this. What are they really trying to stop here? I don't think this has anything to do with indecency. It's got everything with suppression of a minority, restricting what someone things breeds 'gangs' or disruptive behaviour.
Yes Führer! Right away sir!