Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Iran 'biggest threat to Mid-East'

That's what Condie said. She's right you know. She's right because the US has already taken care of Afghanistan and Iraq, sort of. So now Iran is left. And when Bush manages to eeck this out in his final year and a half in office, what is the next threat. Because that will be the next 'biggest threat.' Little has the administration realized that the US is the biggest threat to the US. Perhaps not to the 'US interests,' but definitely to the people of the country.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Abort the Insanity

The link is to the latest episode of NOW. It talks about a controversial new tactic that some groups are using to try and re-instate a ban on abortion: arguing that abortion is inextricably linked to psychiatric disorders in women who undergo the procedure, and therefore fundamentally dangerous and in need of cessation. The proof of why this argument is completely bogus is left as an exercise to the reader. My comment is the following: why is it that every single pro-life group must be related to psycho christians, and when will people stop being fleeced? One of the commentators on the program in favor of the legislation argues "What other medical procedure causes depression, suicidal thoughts?" and others. Umm, how about lots? What about people facing terminal cancer who choose to have painful surgery or chemotherapy, just to name one? Anyways, I could rant on and on but I won't -- I'll leave that to my readers.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sicko Redux

I think this is a pretty good editorial take on Moore's latest offering. I completely agree with the author's idea of documenting real first-hand experiences, as I find this quite useful in seeing through the spin.

who trades his culture for dollars/
the fool or the scholar/
griot, poet, or white collared

Pepsi == Death

Might? Might? What red-blooded American would believe that soda would cause long-term health problems? I bet that next they're going to tell us that red meat and cigarettes are bad for your health, too.

Oh, wait...

What the fuck. I mean really -- how many people do you know drink soda on a daily basis and don't look like Jabba the Hut? I know one, and he's got other problems too (hi Noel!)

Sick, sick, sick/
Don't resist/
Sick, sick, sick/
Don't resist