Friday, August 19, 2005

Mission: Possible

OK. Here's the deal. High school senior mauled by tiger during senior photo shoot at poorly-run animal sanctuary. I'm thinking: this has to have been captured on film.

Your mission should your choose to accept: find that photo. There's five american dollars in it to the first person to submit. And please, for the love of god -- NO PHOTOSHOP.

That is all.

Nice kitty...nice kitty...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

When Will They Learn?

I think this guy now qualifies for immediate entry into The Knuckleheads Club.

This kind of story makes me wonder what the guy was thinking just after being shot the second time. I mean, was he pissed? Like "Damnit! That hurts already!" Or was he in pain, like "Ow! That already hurts!" Or was he lucid enough to see the irony? "Well holy shit! I mean, shot twice in the same shoulder on the same night? Oh no. I got to call my boys and tell them 'bout this. (dials...) Eh dog! Yo, I just got shot twice in the same place tonight! Crazy right?"

Damn that's Cold!

Now, I really get off on stories of murder and mayhem. If it so happens that the story contains some odd, strange, or just plain ridiculous element, I'm all over that mother. So it is with great joy that I present this story. The premise is great -- steal some shit from some wealthy douchbag baby boomers. The execution of the plan is fantastic -- tie them to the anchor of their own yacht and let them drown. But the real kicker here is that the 'mastermind', if you will, of all of this is not some ex-mafioso or hardened street thug. Oh no. Our culprit? A former star of the hit Children's Television Program "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers".

Huh. I guess all those parents who were worried about the effect the show would have on their kids were right after all.

Oh...I'm the asshole

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

We're Fucked

How in the world can we ever expect to get ahead with this kind of shit happening? This once again confirms my LongHeld Belief: Yes, people are that stupid.

Also, the local news station has some video. Haven't seen it yet, so if anyone can watch it post and let us know how freakin funny it is.

While reading, be sure to pay close attention to the quote in the CNN story from the dude who was hitting people with a folding chair (a la WWF -- sorry -- WWE). Also, check out the message at the bottom of the page on the second link. I'll reproduce it here so that you don't miss it, cuz it's too precious:

NBC12 will have Apple iBook experts in the Call12 Center tonight from 5-6:30 p.m. to answer all of you iBook questions. Call tonight, 345-1212.

Oh, the subtle irony.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Sorry to Ruin Your Day, But...

Above is the link to the NYFD/NYPD/EMS dispatch communication tapes from September 11. Listening right now, even though I'm not sure I want to be. Not much more to say about this.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mimi in Noo York

Well, I'm not really sure how to explain this. It is interesting to say the least. You really have to read the NY Times article (link is the header) and then the blog that is talks about. It's all very intersting. If you can't get a job as a reporter, become a stripper, tell the story to the NY Times, and eventually get fired...oh, and write about it, though it was supposed to be about journalism...well, since it's being written about I guess it is in fact about journalism.