Friday, June 30, 2006


Can I tell you how FUCKING MAD this makes me?

First of all, the bill was introduced by a democrat (mental note: add this to list of reasons I no longer affiliate with the democratic party). Secondly, everyone acts as if all of a sudden this shit started happening, when in reality it's been going on for a long ass time -- the mainstream is only paying attention to it since MySpaz and FaceShot are now well-known. Where the fuck were they before? Most importantly, they continue perpetuate the MYTH that if you legislate something, it will go away. Forget trying to educate kids on what they should and shouldn't do online, and perhaps taking an active interest in their lives -- let's force the companies to further erode our precious privacies and keep our data longer (perhaps forever?) and allow the Almighty Government to regulate it. Fuck! This makes me so mad.

Why can't people just get a fucking clue? For once, open your eyes and ears and shut your mouths. Pay attention to what's going on around you and maybe you'd learn something for a change.

There is unrest in the forest/
There is trouble with the trees/
For the Maples want more sunlight/
And the Oaks ignore their pleas

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Oh Snap!

Leave it to our legislative branch to take their jobs seriously. Whether it's debating the relative merits of freedom fries, a 9 billion mile long white picket fence, or laying the smack down on one of the oldest, most respected houses of journalism in the country -- nay the WORLD! -- our elected public officials give 110% every day.

Methinks it's Recall time, bitches.

Fox News: Bastion of Ethics

Go suck a dick huh?

All of a sudden, FNC wants to get all High'n'Mighty on us. How about the do us all a fucking favor and do the same before the upcoming elections in this country?

What if al-Qaeda/
Blew up the levees/
Would New Orleans have been/
Safer that way?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


My take on this headline?

"Fat, Old, Poorly-Dressed White Man Promotes Bigotry and Religious Intolerance"

This intolerant drivel motivates me. I want to make a tee-shirt. On the shirt is a picture of Jesus, sporting day-old stubble and dressed to the nines in Banana threads; he is surrounded by the Fab Five (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy). Arcing over the picture is a large rainbow; superimposed over the rainow is the phrase "My God was a Fag".

I want to print several thousand of these, and have them all sent COD to Mr. James C Dobson.

I will have a mole in the USPS who will alert me and a camera crew when the shipment is to arrive. We will hide in the bushes outside J Diddy's fortified compound in Colorado Springs (which also happens to be the home of the US Air Force Academy, as well as NORAD. COINCIDENCE???) and wait in lie until the trucks arrive. As furor ensues when the heresy is uncovered, we jump out of the bushes with as many of the gayest men we can find while blasting "Disco Hits of the 70s".

Does that seem over the top? To me, it seems just about right.

One great big festering/
Neon Distraction/
I've a suggestion to/
keep you all occupied/
Learn to Swim

NY Times Commits Treason

If you are to believe what Bunning, R-Kentuky, says, then the title of this story is true. If you are, what seems like the minority, then you think the Govenment is full of shit (regarding this issue anyway).

Here is what I think. Various 'acts' have been passed and have used 'Terrorism' as leverage. It's used to the point where if you don't vote for said act, you will be deemed unpatriotic. You are voting against the United States of America. You are voting against our freedom. I can see a nice smear campaign against the person when they run for Congress again. Because of 'Terrorism' we now have such acts as the PATRIOT Act being enforced to an extreme. We've got the Government thinking they have the right to know everything about it's citizens. The right to persecute on a mere thought. Jokes are illegal.

Hey Bush. I'm thinking about burning the Flag right now. Come get me.

I'm on the side that think the New York Times did the right thing. Because if they didn't tell us how overreaching our own government is, we'd think that we were actually free.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Our Friend Dubai?

Any country that arrests our most fabulous R&B producer is no friend of mine, and certainly not to be trusted with our port security nonetheless.

Don't go chasin' waterfalls/
Please stick to the rivers/
and the lakes/
that you're used to

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Apocalypse Soon

This should serve as a warning to all of you who think that religion is just some harmless crap for a few million lost souls to take solace in. These crazy fucks actually believe that it is their job to bring about the apocalypse in order to hasten the second coming. And if I believe their devotion (or stupidity, depending on how you look at it) they'll stop at nothing to do it. The bad part for you and me: they will create the wars written in ancient text, but there will be no god to save them -- the job of cleaning up their mess will be left to you and me, the sane minority. The irony in their rhetoric is that these fanatics are actually as dangerous as they claim that we, the godless, are.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Flying? No ID? No problem!

This is fantastic. I really am tempted to trying this out, but maybe not for my upcoming business-related trip. Best quote: "My identity has nothing to do with the real risk". My friends, truer words have not been spoken.

What's my motherfuckin' name?